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Welcome to the SciFaiku Booth!

SciFaiku is a poetic form based on the traditional Japanese haiku, but focused on rockets, robots, aliens, and antimatter. Like haiku, SciFaiku is generally written as 3 lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables, though considerable flexibility is permitted. The primary principle of this poetic form is minimalism, using as few words as possible to convey a science-fiction theme and avoiding clutter. Another principle is immediacy, attempting to capture a single central experience at a moment in time, and describing the experience in such a way as to inspire a direct sensory experience in the reader.

SciFaiku has appeared in various haiku experiments over the years, but the term was coined in The SciFaiku Manifesto, where you can read a lot more about it. This booth is dedicated to presenting the activities that fans of SciFaiku get involved in.

Read and Write SciFaiku

The SciFaiku Mailing List (including Renga)

SciFaiku Writing Groups (with Reviews)

SciFaiku Art

Read Postings to the SciFi.Con B-Board

SciFi.Con B-Board Honors

SciFaiku Web Sites

Home · what is scifaiku? · read it · write it · share it
credits · feedback · haiku   © 1996, 1998 Tom Brinck. All rights reserved.